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Where do I belong?

26 May, 2017


Peter Drucker: A small number of people know very early where they belong. Mathematicians, musicians, and cooks, for instance, are usually mathematicians, musicians, and cooks by the time they are four or five years old.

Let’s go further, for a chrisitian, what’s the God’s plan for your life?

David Chan: Are you chasing results?

It’s great to know the purpose when they were young. With a clear roadmap for their life, They finally became guru in their field.

But, maybe God doesn’t care how successful we are. God cares the process how do you lead a life, rather than the final results.

Are you a great husband everyday?

Are you a great father everyday?

Do you love your co-workers everyday?

Are you obedient to God’s will everyday?

That’s the answer from David. It sound reasonable, but didn’t answered my question.