How Sidekiq schedule delay jobs
What’ Sidekiq?
Sidekiq is a Simple, efficient background processing for Ruby.
Sidekiq uses threads to handle many jobs at the same time in the same process. It does not require Rails but will integrate tightly with Rails 3/4 to make background processing dead simple.
How to use Sidekiq?
If we want all dog to eat, there are many ways…
create a worker, then processed asyn
# create workder class DogEatWorker include Sidekiq::Worker def perform(food) ... # do somethings end end # perform DogEatWorker.perform_async("meat")
use delay method to push job to Redis"meat")
use delay_for method, and process it at specific time.
# 2014-05-30 17:15:08 +0800 # All dog will eat meat after 1 hour. Dog.delay_for(1.hours).eat("meat")
when we use delay_for, how sidekiq schedule this delay job and perform it at specific time?
Rails is the client, who push jobs to Redis.
Redis is the data center, who store the jobs.
Sidekiq is the server, who consume schedule jobs per 15min.
Schedule jobs in Redis
Redis is key-value database, keys can contain strings, hashes, lists, sets and sorted sets.
> redis-cli
> keys *
1) “one:retry”
2) "one:queues"
3) “one:schedule"
see ‘one:schedule’? All schedule jobs are store in this queue.
> type “one:schedule"
zset is a collection that contains no duplicate elements with score. we can get all memebers of this queue using ZREVRANGE.
> ZREVRANGE one:schedule 0 -1
1) "{
"args":["---n- !ruby/class ‘Dog'n- :eatn- - 113n"],
Ops, only one task we got. The following arguments easy to understand:
- retry: do you want retry this task if it fail?
- queue: queue name you specify
- jid: unique id
- args: let somebody do something
- enqueued_at: it’s a Unix timestamps, which can be tranform to a standard time
# Unix => standard
=> 2014-05-30 17:15:08 +0800
What’s the fucking information of 1 hour?
The delay time has been discarded?
How does Sidekiq know when to run this task?
> Dog.delay_for(1.hours).eat("meat")
Source Code
step1: Transform delay/delay_for/delay_until to same data structure
module Klass
def sidekiq_delay(options={}), self, options)
def sidekiq_delay_for(interval, options={}), self, options.merge('at' => + interval.to_f))
def sidekiq_delay_until(timestamp, options={}), self, options.merge('at' => timestamp.to_f))
alias_method :delay, :sidekiq_delay
alias_method :delay_for, :sidekiq_delay_for
alias_method :delay_until, :sidekiq_delay_until
step2: Push to Redis
def schedule(timestamp, message)
Sidekiq.redis do |conn|
conn.zadd(@zset, timestamp.to_f.to_s, Sidekiq.dump_json(message))
Timestamp is the perform time, be stored as the score of zset!
So Sidekiq can get all memebers at a set interval.